Step 1:
Click your Company Name, then select Reports from the drop down. Click the Work Logs report, then select the date range that you would like to see the work logs for.
Step 2:
Click the Work Logs report, then select the date range that you would like to see the work logs for.
Step 3:
Find the email containing the report and click Download File.
Step 4:
In the excel spreadsheet, click the triangle in the upper left hand corner, click Sort & Filter in the Editing section, then select Custom Sort from the dropdown.
Now, you can calculate time two ways:
By Meld-
Step 1:
Check the check box next to My data has headers then select Meld from the drop down. This will group the Meld ids together.
Step 2:
Highlight the cells in the Hours column associated with the meld id you want the total for, the sum will appear at the bottom of the page as the sum.
By Technician-
NOTE: Total hours for each technician with out Meld specific information can be found on the All Technicians report.
Step 1:
Check the check box next to My data has headers then select Agent from the drop down. This will group the agents together.
Step 2:
Highlight the cells in the Hours column associated with the Agent you want the total for, the sum will appear at the bottom of the page.