Version v2020.12.01.1817
Released: December 1st, 2020
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Version v2020.11.24.0411
Released: November 24th, 2020
Owner Notifications Updates
For any of your owners who you have enabled notifications for, they will now have the ability to change their notification preferences by individually selecting which of the following existing email notifications they would like to opt in or out of: Work Requested, Work Scheduled, and Work Completed.
Owner emails have also undergone a redesign, making your communication with your owners appear more personal and professional with headers and footers for each email.
You are able to view the designs of your emails in your account settings under Application.
You are able to select “Revert to Default Notification” on this page if you wish to use our default content.
If you request an approval for work from an owner, they will receive an email that takes them to the Approval page which has a brand new and more professional look and feel, where they can also bulk download any files you have chosen to share with them regarding the Meld requiring approval.
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Version v2020.11.16.1336
Released: November 16th, 2020
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Version v2020.11.09.2227
Released: November 9th, 2020
Threading of Related Emails
Email notifications having the same subject line are now sent as a reply to the initial email notification. This will significantly reduce the inbox clutter and make it easier to find emails related to the same subject.
Now, alert messages appear to users when they attempt to login unsuccessfully which notify them that their account status is either invited, deactivated, non-existent or when an invalid username or password has been entered. This decreases the amount of time you spend troubleshooting a resident's login issues.
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Version v2020.11.05.1717
Released: November 5th, 2020
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Version v2020.11.04.1030
Released: November 4th, 2020
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Version v2020.11.02.2334
Released: November 2nd, 2020
When downloading an expenditures PDF, the pdf will say “Invoice” instead of “Expenditures” to limit confusion between the difference of expenditures and invoices.