Property Meld enables vendors to filter and sort Melds using various criteria. This article focuses on how to use these filters to gain insight into the current state of Melds and simplify the search for specific Melds from the Vendor perspective. For a general overview of filter functionality, refer to How to Customize Filters and Dashboard
Topics Covered
- Filtering Options
- Sorting by Function
- In Progress vs. Inactive Melds
Filtering Options
1. Open the Melds Tab:
- Click the Melds tab on the navigation panel located in the left corner of the page.
2. Apply Filters:
- Click the FILTER dropdown.
- Select your desired filtering criteria from the available options.
Filtering Options Include:
Priority Level:
- High
- Medium
- Low
Meld Tags: Select any relevant tags.
Meld Status:
- Open
- Pending Tenant
- Pending Completion
- Needs Scheduled
- Complete
- Did Not Complete
Scheduled Date:
- Specific Date Range
- In the Past
Sorting by Function
1. Open the Melds Tab:
- Click the Melds tab on the navigation panel located in the left corner of the page.
2. Sort Melds:
- Click the SORT BY dropdown.
- Select your preferred sorting criteria.
Sort By Options Include:
- Status: A-Z
- Status: Z-A
- Scheduled: Soon
- Scheduled: Later
Note: Melds can be sorted by Status or Scheduled Date.
In Progress vs. Inactive Melds
1. Open the Melds Tab:
- Click the Melds tab on the navigation panel located in the left corner of the page.
2. Filter by Status:
Select In Progress or Inactive located at the top right corner of the Melds page.
- In Progress: Includes Melds with statuses such as Open, Pending Tenant, Pending Completion, Scheduled, or Needs Scheduled.
- Inactive: Includes Melds with statuses such as Complete or Did Not Complete.