The Best Practice and Examples of Tagging article provides definition and use of Meld Tags. The content of this article is specific to the basic management of Tags.
Step 1:
Click company name in upper-right corner, and then click Account Settings.
Step 2:
Click Tags. All Tags that are currently assigned to your Melds are listed and include the Meld and Recurring Meld count assigned with the given Tag.
on the Tag to expose the Rename tag and Delete tag actions available.
Step 3:
On the below example High Priority Tag, click Rename tag which allows the ability to change the name of the Tag.
Step 4:
In this example, a Tag is being renamed from High Priority to High Priority Resident Meld.
NOTE: There is a quick way to view all of the Melds or Recurring Melds where the specific Tag is assigned.
Step 1:
Click the Meld Count link (see numeric link highlighted below) next to the Tag of interest.
Clicking the link discussed in Step 1 will automatically apply a Filter and display all of the Melds that were assigned the given Tag. This can be treated as a quick way to create a Filter based on the given Tag.
To see the criterion that was automatically selected from the previous step, click FILTER (as highlighted below) and apply the Tags criteria to Include the Tag Billed.
NOTE: At this point, the Filter can be Saved which would be specific to viewing all of the Melds with the Billed Tag assigned.