When managing a single Property assigned to Property Group(s), refer to Manage Property (Unit) assigned to Property Group(s). When managing multiple Properties assigned to Properties Group(s), the following steps will guide you through the simple process.
Step 1:
Navigate to the list of Properties and use either the list view (shown here) or card view.
NOTE: Any Property Groups to which the Properties are assigned appear to the right on this list.
Step 2:
Click FILTER to filter by Properties needing to be assigned to a Property Group. In this example, Properties in New York, NY need to be assigned to a Property Group.
NOTE: The Filtering Options allow Users to modify the filter in the following ways:
- City - Enter cities to Include or Exclude
- Postal Code - Enter postal codes to Include or Exclude
- State - Enter states to Include or Exclude
- Is Active - Select Yes or No to include Active or Inactive Properties, respectively
The Properties list now includes only Properties in New York, NY.
Step 3:
Check 2 properties displayed in the filtered list, then click EDIT PROPERTIES.
Step 4:
The "Bulk set property groups" dialog allows two actions to be performed on the selected Properties:
- Remove # properties from all property groups - Removes all selected Properties from all Property Groups
- Add # properties to property groups - Allows User to enter one or more Property Groups to which all selected Properties will be assigned
Below, the "Add 2 properties to property groups" option was selected and the Donnie Baseball Property Property Group was entered.
Click OK.
The filtered Properties list now reflects the Idaho Properties Property Group assignment.