Released: April 6, 2023
Admin Permissions
- Permission for viewing and adding or editing properties/units, property groups, and owners. These permissions are turned on by default for Admin and Agent users, and turned off for Maintenance users.
Released: April 8, 2023
Admin Permissions
- Permission to add user is added. Permission is on for admins and agents, by default.
Released: April 12, 2023
User Chat Templates
- New management accounts will be furnished with a standard starter pack of chat templates. This should make new users more efficient more quickly, especially if they automate these common messages via Workflows.
Released: April 13, 2023
- Bug fix regarding owners that have Hub Access with more than one market: Owners should now be able to log into their owner hub account, even if they're in another another account with a different market.
Released: April 18, 2023
New Feature: Add Property Names
- For users (and especially those that like to identify their properties by name), we now have a Property Name field. Adding property names is beneficial because it eliminates confusion by associating a name with an address. And, you can now search Property Meld by property name. This feature is also visible in text message and email correspondence, which will be helpful for those more familiar with their property names, and not their addresses.
Note: Buildium, AppFolio, Propertyware, and Rent Manager users will see property names automatically brought over to their Property Meld account, so there is no need to add names. However, if you want to update property names, this must be done in the before-mentioned accounting softwares if you want your naming to be consistent.
Here's how to add property names:
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **
Released: April 25, 2023
Integration: Buildium Invoices
- When an invoice file is sent to Buildium, it will now attach to the Buildium bill.
Released: April 27, 2023
Buildium Customers
- Buildium Integration Card now viewable to all MIDs.
API Updates
API (Application Programming Interface) is for Property Meld users who need to be able to manipulate the coding of the software for their data collection. The below updates only pertain to these users.
Released: April 3, 2023
Resident Write API
- Users can now create and modify residents via the Write API.
Released: April 4, 2023
Vendor Write API
- Users can now create vendors via the Write API.
Released: April 8, 2023
Public API: Meld File Endpoint
- In the public API, it is now possible to list manager, vendor, or resident files uploaded to any Meld, without specifying a Meld ID.
Owners Write API
- Public API supports creating, updating, and deactivating owners.