Property managers can communicate directly with owners on a Meld using the Property Meld chat feature. When a property manager uses the chat feature to send directly or include the owner in a message, the owner will receive an email notification, a notification within Owner Hub , and/ or a text message.
Please refer to the following notes and conditions related to owner notifications.
The owner must exist and be assigned to the unit associated with the Meld.
Messages to an owner discussed below are independent of the owner email notifications configured and used in How to Customize owner Email Notifications.
All messages sent to the owner include the Meld title or brief description.
Step 1:
Click on the particular Meld that you wish to communicate with the owner on.
Step 2:
Navigate to Chat area, then click on the dropdown highlighted below next to Send to Manager, Owners and select Managers, Owners.
Enter a new message and click Send to send the message to the owner(s) listed.
Based on the specific owner notification settings, the owner can respond from either email and/or text message and all reply messages will be displayed in the Meld Chat.