As a Vendor in Property Meld, you can generate and submit an Invoice per Meld upon completion.
You can create an Invoice directly in Property Meld that supports multiple line items and note to facilitate payment by the Property Manager.
Also, you can upload an Invoice which is a streamlined approach for those Vendors that have an accounting system used to produce invoices.
We also have an integration with QuickBooks which will allow you to upload directly from your QuickBooks account if you have one.
Step 1:
Click Melds.
Step 2:
From the Melds list, click Inactive to display the Melds that have been completed.
Step 3a:
Click CREATE INVOICE on a specific Meld.
Step 3b:
Alternatively, open the Meld, click , then click Create Invoice.
Step 4a:
After clicking Create Invoice from the options provided above, you will be presented with the option to create and invoice, upload a file that contains your invoice, or import your invoice from QuickBooks.
NOTE: Uploading an invoice is a streamlined approach for those Vendors that have an accounting system used to produce invoices.
Step 4b:
If you choose UPLOAD INVOICE, the following information needs to be completed including the uploading of a file or invoice.
- Total - (Required) Used to capture the total of the Invoice to be easily accessible by the Property Manager.
- Invoice File - (Required) Upload invoice file. Only one (1) file can be uploaded. Uploading subsequent files will simply overwrite the existing file (if already uploaded).
- Notes - (Optional) Provide additional Notes (if applicable) visible to the Property Manager.
Click SAVE AND SUBMIT. Alternatively, click SAVE DRAFT to not submit the Uploaded Invoice allowing you to update later and submit.
Step 4c:
If you choose to CREATE INVOICE, the following information needs to be completed.
- Add or Delete Line Items - Use the icons to the left of the Line Item Description.
- Description - Add a detailed description visible to the Property Manager.
- Quantity - Enter a Quantity (if applicable).
- Price - Enter Price charged for each line item.
- Total - Takes Quantity times Price.
- Notes - Provide additional Notes (if applicable) visible to the Property Manager.
Click SAVE AND SUBMIT. Alternatively, click SAVE DRAFT to not submit the Created Invoice allowing you to update later and submit.
Step 5:
If applicable, Invoices will display on Drafts/Holds (draft saved) or Submitted (saved and submitted) tab.
Step 6a:
If Invoice EDIT is enabled, there is the option to CHANGE INVOICE TYPE from Create to Upload or Import From QuickBooks.
Step 6b:
It is IMPORTANT to note that if the Invoice Type is changed, all of the previous invoice data will be lost.
Please see prompt in the screenshot below.
Status - HOLD
When the Property Manager requests a change to the Invoice, refer to the following options.
Step 1a:
Open the Meld and click RESUBMIT FOR PAYMENT.
Refer to Hold Reason for a note from the Property Manager.
Step 1b:
Alternatively, click Invoices and click EDIT.
Step 2:
After completing the requested changes to the Invoice, click RESUBMIT FOR PAYMENT.
The Property Manager will be notified that the Invoice has been submitted.
When the Property Manager declines the submitted Invoice.
Step 1:
Click Invoices and click Closed.
Note: The closed list of Invoices will display both PAID and DECLINED Invoices.
Step 2:
Click Declined Invoice and refer to the Decline Reason provided by the Property Manager.
How to Import Invoice From QuickBooks
Step 1:
Step 2:
Click on Connect QuickBooks Account.
Step 3:
Enter your email address and click Sign In on the below Intuit screen.
Step 4:
Select your company if prompted and click Next.
Step 5:
Look for Connecting MeldIntegration and then click Connect.
Step 6:
After invoice has imported from QuickBooks, enter applicable notes and click Submit.