In this article, the following topics will be covered related to Filters and the Dashboard.
Property Meld allows you to filter and sort Melds by a variety of criteria, such as creation date, resident rating, assigned maintenance, and more. You can update and save these filter criteria for quick and easy access to a list of Melds. These filters will be displayed under the Shared Filters or Private Filters sections of your Dashboard along with the number of Melds per Filter. For information on the various criteria, refer to Filter Criteria and Options Described.
The primary focus of utilizing filters is to gain visibility into the current state of Melds and drive process in your maintenance operations.
New Filter
Step 1:
Click Melds.
Step 2:
Click Filter dropdown and click Add Filter.
Step 3:
Click FILTER (under New Filter) to display Filtering Options, select the various filtering options, and click SAVE.
In this example, a Filter is being defined as including a Tag with the name Home Warranty.
Step 4:
Choose one of the following options:
Click Create a new filter, enter a Name of the Filter, and click SAVE FILTER.
-- OR --
Click Overwrite existing filter, select Existing Filter from the list, and click SAVE FILTER. This option is covered in more detail in the Update Filter section below.
Option: Click Make default to set this Filter as your default filter when viewing Melds (from the main Melds menu). This default will be for you and other users will have their own default.
Option: Click Private if you want the filter only accessible to you. Otherwise, leave it unchecked if you want this filter to be identified as a Shared Filter and accessible to all users.
Step 5:
Refer to the highlighted section below where the new private filter (Home Warranty) is displayed under Private Filters on the Dashboard.
Updating Filter
Step 1:
Click Melds.
Step 2:
Click Filter dropdown and click Add Filter.
NOTE: The Edit link next to the Filter name is used to change the Filter Name or change Make default and Private options. Use the remaining steps to update the criteria of an existing Filter.
NOTE: The Delete link next to the Filter name is used to simply delete that Filter completely.
Step 3:
Update or adjust any of the Filter Options specific to the filter you want to update.
Click APPLY FILTERS to view the list of Melds to validate the criteria.
Click SAVE.
Step 4:
Click Overwrite existing filter and select the Existing Filter you wish to overwrite.
Step 5:
Refer to the highlighted section below where the updated private filter (My Melds) is displayed under Private Filters on the Dashboard.
Rename Filter
Step 1:
Click the Filter dropdown (next to All (Last 30 Days) represented in the screenshot) to view the list of Filters.
Click Edit next to the Filter to rename or adjust display options (not criteria).
Step 2:
Enter a new Name for the Filter.
Deleting Filter
Step 1:
Click the Filter dropdown (next to All (Last 30 Days) represented in the screenshot) to view the list of Filters.
Click Delete next to the Filter to delete from the list.
Step 2:
Review Delete Saved Filter question and warning.
Change Filter Display Order
Step 1:
The filter display order can be adjusted to match the needs of your operation.
NOTE: The display order is horizontal on the Dashboard and vertical on the Filters list shown in the next step.
Step 2:
Click Melds.
Click the Filter dropdown (next to All (Last 30 Days) represented in the screenshot) to view the list of Filters.
Use the dots icon (highlighted below) to drag and change the display order of the Filters on the Dashboard.
Step 3:
In this example, the All (Last 30 Days) filter is now at the top and message Filter position updated is displayed.
Step 4:
The following screenshot now shows the display order of the Filters on the Dashboard were updated and All (Last 30 Days) is first in the list across the top.