As Internal Maintenance, you have the opportunity to check-in and check-out while working a Meld. Checking into a job will allow you to track visits and the amount of time resolving the request.
NOTE: In the context of an enabled integration with:
- Rent Manager: The individual Work Logs including Check in and Check out will automatically transfer to your Rent Manager account associated with the Service Issue.
- Propertyware: The individual Work Logs including Check in and Check out will automatically transfer to Propertyware as a Time Tracking entry on the Work Order. Sent over to Propertyware only once and upon Meld Completion or Close.
- AppFolio: The individual Work Logs hours will automatically transfer to AppFolio as a Time Tracking entry on the Work Order under Labor/Worked Hours. Sent over to AppFolio only once and upon Meld Completion or Close.
- Buildium: Work Logs DO NOT currently transfer to Buildium.
NOTE: Maintenance users are only able to edit Work Logs that they've submitted.
Step 1:
From any open Meld, click Check In.
Step 2:
Confirm the Check-in time on the prompt (defaults to current date and time).
Enter a Title (required and will appear on the Work Log).
Click Add entry.
Step 3:
To log your check out time, click Check out on the corresponding Meld.
Step 4:
Verify Agent is correctly assigned.
Confirm the Check out time on the prompt (defaults to current date and time).
Enter a Title (required and will appear on the Work Log).
Click Check Out.
NOTE: Internal Technicians still need to Finish Meld if work was Completed.
Step 5:
Click Work Log tab on the Meld to review a complete list of Check In and Check Out entries that provide a total time addressed the Meld.
Step 6:
Per Work Log entry click Edit, Delete or Add Entry as needed.
Add Entry will simply present the same dialog as Step 4 above where a Work Log can be added given a start and end time.
Work Log Check Out Reminder Banners
The will be a banner across the top of your Meld screen when there are work log entries that do not have a check out time entered. The banners will display with the top banner being the meld work log entry having the longest elapsed time without a check out entry.